• The Traveler… “The Birdman”, Lincoln Beachey… the irony…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    Today I traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, via the ALBUQURQUE MORNING JOURNAL, dated October 8, 1912, where I found that they were having their 32nd Annual State Fair with the top-billing being Lincoln Beachey, the world’s greatest “birdman”. Beachey would be racing between his Curtiss bi-plane and a man on a motorcycle as well as [...]

  • There must be a man in the moon…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    The “Bellows Falls Intelligencer” newspaper from Vermont, issue of May 10, 1824 has an interesting article reporting evidence of life on the moon (see). It’s interesting that astrological science was  so rudimentary in 1824 that this report was to be believed by those who read it, although providing some humor when read today.

  • Why I Still Read Newspapers… part 1 (of 3)

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    A staff member at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers recently received a set of newspaper headlines which are worth pondering. We’ve decided to split them up over a few posts. If you know of others – appropriateness is a must -  please send them on (e-mail to guy@rarenewspapers.com) and we will consider adding them [...]

  • The Traveler… the battle of Queenston…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    Today I journeyed to Boston, Massachusetts by way of the Columbian Centinel dated October 24, 1812. I found several reports in regards to the battle of Queenston, Canada. The reporting begins with Col. Van Rensselaer’s troops having crossed the Niagara River into Upper-Canada and that the batteries in Queenston were attacked . It is stated [...]

  • Identifying newspaper reprints… a collector’s story…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    We recently received an e-mail from a collector who informed us that she had used information from the Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers website which enable her to identify (unfortunately) that an issue she had obtained (Baltimore Patriot & Weekly Advertiser, September 20, 1814) was a reprint.  While disappointed, she decided to post her [...]

  • Announcing…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    Two special events related to the Rare & Early Newspapers collectible are scheduled for this week: 1) A long time collector of historic newspapers, Todd Andrlik, has written a book which is sure to quickly become a classic within the hobby, “Reporting The Revolutionary War: Before It Was History, It Was News”, which tells the [...]

  • Countdown to “Newspapers that changed the world…”

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    Each month Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers releases a catalog containing a new set of historic and collectible newspapers (1600′s through 20th century). However, on November 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM ET, the special edition, “Newspapers that changed the world…” will be released. Whether you already collect newspapers, or desire to simply view a [...]

  • Summing up the Revolutionary War through 1779…

    Updated: 2012-10-31 20:13:14
    The front page of “The Edinburgh Advertiser“, July 23, 1779, has a great letter (see below) signed by “An Englishman” which pretty much sums up the Revolutionary War through the mid-point of 1779. Never before have I seen a more accurate appraisal of the situation in so few words.

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